Kernel Ridge Regression#
Kernel Ridge Regression in PES-Learn is done via interface to scikit-learn .
At the time of writing this, scikit-learn has six options for kernel functions to use with kernel ridge regresstion (KRR).
PES-Learn implements five of these options, polynomial, RBF, Laplacian, Sigmoid, and cosine. When chosing a verbose
kernel with the keyword kernel = verbose
, PES-Learn will search the hyperparameter space of all five of these kernels, some of which
have additional options (such as degree of polynomial) which makes the hyperparameter space very large. Because of this it is recommended
to do an initial search with the verbose space and then narrow down the search with a precomputed
kernel. The following
example covers just this. If you would like to work along with this example, the PES.dat
file is available here to copy.
PES-Learn does not support the sixth kernel available with scikit-learn, chi^2, with the kernel
keyword set to verbose
but if the user so chooses the option is still available with a precomputed kernel
. This kernel is not in the verbose
because it typically is a poor description of potential energy surfaces, and was left out to reduce the hyperparameter space.
Verbose Kernel Search#
Let us assume that we have already generated data and parsed it to a file PES.dat
(see CLI for tips on doing this).
In this example we are examining the PES of the water dimer at MP2/6-31+G**, our single point energies were run with Psi4, and our PES.dat
looks like this:
In the generation of this data, the number of data points was reduced to 1500. Let’s examine this dataset with KRR using a verbose
hyperparameter space since we don’t know much about the PES initially. We add the following keywords to our input.dat
file to generate a
KRR surface:
# Machine learning keywords
ml_model = krr
hp_maxit = 500
kernel = verbose
sampling = structure_based
use_pips = true
Here we tell PES-Learn that we want to create a machine learning model with KRR, allow it to run over 500 hyperparameter optimizations, do a verbose kernel hyperparameter search, use structure based sampling to split training and test sets, and use permutationally invariant polynomials (PIPs).
We run this with PES-Learn and it will print the hyperparameter optimizations and run over the iterations given in hp_maxit
. Of the iterations
it will find the one with the lowest dataset error and return that collection of hyperparameters at the end:
Best performing hyperparameters are:
[('alpha', 1e-06), ('kernel', {'degree': None, 'gamma': None, 'ktype': 'laplacian'}), ('morse_transform', {'morse': True, 'morse_alpha': 1.0}), ('pip', {'degree_reduction': False, 'pip': True}), ('scale_X', None), ('scale_y', 'std')]
Fine-tuning final model...
Hyperparameters: {'alpha': 1e-06, 'kernel': {'degree': None, 'gamma': None, 'ktype': 'laplacian'}, 'morse_transform': {'morse': True, 'morse_alpha': 1.0}, 'pip': {'degree_reduction': False, 'pip': True}, 'scale_X': None, 'scale_y': 'std'}
Final model performance (cm-1):
R^2 0.9999999878503739
Test Dataset 22.87 Full Dataset 10.23 Median error: 0.25 Max 5 errors: [ 80.1 139.7 149.3 150.1 155.9]
Model optimization complete. Saving final model...
Saving ML model data...
Total run time: 495.87 seconds
The errors are printed in wavenumbers (cm^-1) and we see that the best performing hyperparameters tested give an average error of 10.23 cm^-1 for the full dataset.
PES-Learn generated a model that uses these hyperparameters that can be used to make predictions about the given PES. Before we get to that, however, lets see if we can generate a better ML model with a bit of fine-tuning.
Let’s now build a precomputed
kernel with some of the best performing hyperparameters to narrow our hyperparameter space and hopefully build a
better model. From the hyperparameter optimizations, (not shown because of length) it appears the polynomial and Laplacian kernels performed well
with respect to errors, so lets examine them separately. It is important to note that when using a precomputed kernel that includes a polynomial type
kernel it is recommended to optimize the hyperparameters for that kernel separately. The polynomial kernel takes another hyperparameter, the degree
of the polynomial. If you try to optimize multiple kernel functions at once with the degree hyperparameter, the optimization scheme will try and
find trends between degree and performance with other kernels being used. This will a.) build a larger hyperparameter space and b.) could skew
results with trends that don’t exist. This is explicitly accounted for with the verbose
kernel option, but not with a precomputed
As such we will try to build two separate models, one with a polynomial kernel and one with a Laplacian. Let us first do this for a polynomial kernel,
we change our input to the following for a precomputed kernel:
# Machine learning keywords
ml_model = krr
hp_maxit = 500
kernel = precomputed
precomputed_kernel = {'kernel': ['polynomial'], 'degree': ['uniform', 1, 6, 1]}
sampling = structure_based
use_pips = true
We have changed kernel
to precomputed
and set the precomputed_kernel
option to a dicitonary of options for our kernel. By setting the
first option in degree to ‘uniform’ that tells PES-Learn (and by extension HyperOpt) to use degrees from 1 to 6, stepping by 1 each time. This
means that hyperparameter optimizations will examine polynomials of degree 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Equivalently, we could leave out the ‘uniform’ option
and set precomputed_kernel = {'kernel': ['polynomial'], 'degree': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]}
. Leaving out ‘uniform’ allows specifications for exactly
which degree(s) to examine.
Let’s now run this with the precomputed polynomial kernel and see what that results us.
Best performing hyperparameters are:
[('alpha', 1e-06), ('degree', 6.0), ('gamma', None), ('kernel', 'polynomial'), ('morse_transform', {'morse': True, 'morse_alpha': 1.2000000000000002}), ('pip', {'degree_reduction': False, 'pip': True}), ('scale_X', 'std'), ('scale_y', 'mm01')]
Fine-tuning final model...
Hyperparameters: {'alpha': 1e-06, 'degree': 6.0, 'gamma': None, 'kernel': 'polynomial', 'morse_transform': {'morse': True, 'morse_alpha': 1.2000000000000002}, 'pip': {'degree_reduction': False, 'pip': True}, 'scale_X': 'std', 'scale_y': 'mm01'}
Final model performance (cm-1):
R^2 0.999999887725274
Test Dataset 69.53 Full Dataset 45.16 Median error: 21.14 Max 5 errors: [162.8 183.3 205.6 293.8 740.3]
Model optimization complete. Saving final model...
Saving ML model data...
Total run time: 494.81 seconds
It looks like this didn’t do quite as well as we had hoped, so let’s try the Laplacian kernel now. Let’s change the keywords in our input.dat again:
precomputed_kernel = {'kernel': ['laplacian']}
Let’s run it and see what it gets us:
Best performing hyperparameters are:
[('alpha', 1e-06), ('degree', 1), ('gamma', None), ('kernel', 'laplacian'), ('morse_transform', {'morse': True, 'morse_alpha': 1.0}), ('pip', {'degree_reduction': False, 'pip': True}), ('scale_X', None), ('scale_y', 'std')]
Fine-tuning final model...
Hyperparameters: {'alpha': 1e-06, 'degree': 1, 'gamma': None, 'kernel': 'laplacian', 'morse_transform': {'morse': True, 'morse_alpha': 1.0}, 'pip': {'degree_reduction': False, 'pip': True}, 'scale_X': None, 'scale_y': 'std'}
Final model performance (cm-1):
R^2 0.9999999878503739
Test Dataset 22.87 Full Dataset 10.23 Median error: 0.25 Max 5 errors: [ 80.1 139.7 149.3 150.1 155.9]
Model optimization complete. Saving final model...
Saving ML model data...
Total run time: 515.5 seconds
We get the same answer as we initially did. This is a good indication that this may be the best model KRR can make, unless we drastically expand the hyperparameter space. You may notice some of the other hyperparameters, like gamma and alpha which can also be set with a precomputed kernel. show how to do this along with other hps bellow ian
KRR example with precomputed_kernel (then link from cli (and maybe api))
{‘kernel’: [‘rbf’,’polynomial’]