Kernel Ridge Regression#

Kernel Ridge Regression in PES-Learn is done via interface to scikit-learn . At the time of writing this, scikit-learn has six options for kernel functions to use with kernel ridge regresstion (KRR). PES-Learn implements five of these options, polynomial, RBF, Laplacian, Sigmoid, and cosine. When chosing a verbose kernel with the keyword kernel = verbose, PES-Learn will search the hyperparameter space of all five of these kernels, some of which have additional options (such as degree of polynomial) which makes the hyperparameter space very large. Because of this it is recommended to do an initial search with the verbose space and then narrow down the search with a precomputed kernel. The following example covers just this. If you would like to work along with this example, the PES.dat file is available here to copy.


PES-Learn does not support the sixth kernel available with scikit-learn, chi^2, with the kernel keyword set to verbose, but if the user so chooses the option is still available with a precomputed kernel. This kernel is not in the verbose set because it typically is a poor description of potential energy surfaces, and was left out to reduce the hyperparameter space.