MM_Wrapper Submodule¶
janus.mm_wrapper.MMWrapper (class_type[, …]) |
A super class for all molecular mechanics wrappers |
janus.mm_wrapper.OpenMMWrapper ([sys_info, …]) |
A MM wrapper class that calls OpenMM to obtain molecular mechanics information. |
(class_type, sys_info=None, sys_info_format=None)¶ Bases:
A super class for all molecular mechanics wrappers
Since MMWrapper is a super class and has abstract methods the user cannot actually instantiate a MMWrapper object, but only its child objectsbuild_qm_param
()Function not implemented for MM wrappers compute_info
()Function implemented in individual child classes convert_input
()Function implemented in individual child classes convert_trajectory
()Function implemented in individual child classes get_energy_and_gradient
(traj[, geometry, …])Gets the energy and gradient from a MM computation get_geom_from_trajectory
()Function not implemented for MM wrappers get_main_charges
()Function implemented in individual child classes get_main_info
()Function implemented in individual child classes initialize
()Function implemented in individual child classes optimize_geometry
()Function not implemented for MM wrappers set_external_charges
()Function implemented in individual child classes set_qm_geometry
()Function not implemented for MM wrappers set_up_reporters
()Function implemented in individual child classes take_step
(force)Function implemented in individual child classes Attributes
= 49614.50168278496¶
()¶ Function not implemented for MM wrappers
()¶ Function implemented in individual child classes
()¶ Function implemented in individual child classes
()¶ Function implemented in individual child classes
(traj, geometry=None, include_coulomb='all', link_atoms=None, minimize=False, charges=None)¶ Gets the energy and gradient from a MM computation
Parameters: - traj (MDtraj trajectory object) –
- geometry (str) – A string containing geometry information as XYZ coordinates. Not applicable for MM programs
- include_coulomb (str) – whether to include coulombic interactions. ‘all’ (default) includes coulombic forces for all particles, ‘no_link’ excludes coulombic forces for link atoms, ‘only’ excludes all other forces for all atoms, ‘none’ excludes coulombic forces for all particles.
- link_atoms (list) – indices of link_atoms
- minimize (bool) – whether to return the geometry optimized energy
- charges (list) – charges and corresponding positions in angstroms as xyz coordinates
Returns: A dictionary with energy(‘energy’) and gradient(‘gradients’) information
Return type: dict
()¶ Function not implemented for MM wrappers
()¶ Function implemented in individual child classes
()¶ Function implemented in individual child classes
()¶ Function implemented in individual child classes
= 2.0155397435886694e-05¶
= 0.0003808798033989866¶
= 10.0¶
= 0.052917999999¶
()¶ Function not implemented for MM wrappers
()¶ Function implemented in individual child classes
()¶ Function not implemented for MM wrappers
()¶ Function implemented in individual child classes
(force)¶ Function implemented in individual child classes
(sys_info=None, sys_info_format='pdb', mm_forcefield='amber99sb.xml', mm_water_forcefield='tip3p.xml', NVE_integrator='Verlet', NVT_integrator='Langevin', temp=300, step_size=1, fric_coeff=1, nonbondedCutoff=0.8, **kwargs)¶ Bases:
A MM wrapper class that calls OpenMM to obtain molecular mechanics information. Also can be used to take steps in a molecular dynamics simulation. Class inherits from MMWrapper.
Parameters: - sys_info (str) – A string with the filename or a list with multiple filenames that contain position and topology information. Default is None.
- sys_info_format (str) – A str describing what kind of input is contained in sys_info. Default is pdb. Possible values also include Amber and Gromacs.
- mm_forcefield (str) – The name of the forcefield to use, default is amber99sb.xml.
- mm_water_forcefield (str) – The name of the forcefield to use for water, default is tip3p.xml.
- NVE_integrator (str) – What type of integrator to use for a NVE ensemble, default is Verlet.
- NVT_integrator (str) – What type of integrator to use for a NVT ensemble, default is Langevin.
- temp (Int) – The temperature at which to run a simulation in kelvin, default is 300.
- step_size (float) – The step size to integrate system in femtoseconds, default is 1.
- fric_coeff (float) – friction coefficient to couple the system to heat bath in a NVT ensemble in inverse picoseconds, default is 1.
- nonbondedCutoff (float) – The cutoff distance for nonbonded interactions in nanometers, default is 1.
- **kwargs –
Other parameters for OpenMM, which include: - nonbondedMethod : method for nonbonded interactions, default is OM_app.NoCutoff - constraints : which bonds and angles implemented with constraints,
default is None- rigid_water : whether water is treated as rigid, default is True
- removeCMMotion : whether to include a CMMotionRemover, default is True
- ignoreExternalBonds : whether to ignore external bonds when matching residues to templates,
- default is True
- flexibleConstraints : whether to add parameters for constrained parameters,
- default is False
- hydrogenMass : the mass to use for hydrogen atoms bonded to heavy atoms,
- default is False
- residueTemplates : allows user to specify a template for a residue,
- default is empty dict {}
- switchDistance : the distance to turn on potential energy switching function for
- Lennard-Jones interactions. Default is None
- keywords for MD simulation parameters.
- For possible keywords consult the Molecular Dynamics section of the manual.
Each pair of key:value in the dictionary is given as a string. For more information about these pararmeters and other possible parameter values consult
(topology, positions, include_coulomb='all', initialize=False, return_system=False, return_simulation=False, link_atoms=None, minimize=False)¶ Gets information about a system.
Parameters: - topology (OpenMM topology object) –
- positions (OpenMM Vec3 vector) – contains the positions of the system in nm
- include_coulomb (str) – whether to include coulombic interactions. ‘all’ (default) includes coulombic forces for all particles, ‘no_link’ excludes coulombic forces for link atoms, ‘only’ excludes all other forces for all atoms, ‘none’ excludes coulombic forces for all particles.
- initialize (bool) – Whether the main system is being initialized.
- return_system (bool) – True(default) to return OpenMM system object
- return_simulation (bool) – True(default) to return OpenMM simulation object
- link_atoms (list) – if included as a list with include_coulomb=’no_link’, specifies which atoms to remove coulombic forces from. Default is None.
- minimize (bool) – whether to minimize the energy of the system
Returns: - dict – A dictionary with state information
- OpenMM system object – OpenMM system object returned unless return_system=False
- OpenMM simulation object – OpenMM simulation object returned unless return_simulation=False
>>> system, simulation, state = compute_info(top, pos)
>>> state = compute_info(top, pos, return_simulation=False, return_system=False)
()¶ Converts inputs to OpenMM readable topologies and positions. Currently supports pdb inputs as well as Amber and Gromacs input files.
(traj)¶ Converts an OpenMM trajectory to get topology and positions that are compatible with MDtraj
Parameters: traj (OpenMM trajectory object) – Returns: - list – positions in nm
- OpenMM topology object
>>> positions, topology = convert_trajectory(OpenMM_traj)
(atoms, keep_atoms=False)¶ Makes a OpenMM modeller object based on given geometry
Parameters: - atoms (list) – The subset of atom indices to either keep or delete
- keep_atoms (bool) – Whether to keep the atoms specified in the modeller or delete them. Default is false.
Returns: Return type: A OpenMM modeller object
>>> modeller = self.make_modeller() modeller = self.make_modeller(keep_qm=True)
(topology)¶ Create a new OpeMM residue template when there is no matching residue and registers it into self.forcefield forcefield object.
currently, if there is unmatched name, currently only checks original unmodified residue, N-terminus form, and C-terminus form. This may not be robust.
Parameters: topology (OpenMM topology object) – Examples
>>> create_new_residue_template(topology)
(openmm_system, topology, positions, integrator, return_integrator=False, seed=0)¶ Creates an OpenMM simulation object given an OpenMM system, topology, and positions
Parameters: - openmm_system (OpenMM system object) –
- topology (OpenMM topology object) –
- positions (OpenMM Vec3 vector) – contains the positions of the system in nm
- integrator (str) – What type of integrator to use. Currently support Langevin and Verlet.
- return_integrator (bool) – Whether to return the OpenMM integrator object
- seed (int) – Set a random seed number for the Langevin integrator. Default is 0, which means seed is randomized every time.
Returns: - OpenMM simulation object
- OpenMM integrator object – Returned unless return_integrator is False
>>> create_open_simulation(openmm_sys, top, pos) create_open_simulation(openmm_sys, pdb.topology. pdb.positions)
(topology, include_coulomb='all', link_atoms=None, initialize=False)¶ Calls OpenMM to create an OpenMM System object give a topology, forcefield, and other parameters specified in the instantiation parameters.
Currently there is no support for customized forcefields
Parameters: - topology (OpenMM topology object) –
- include_coulomb (str) – whether to include coulombic interactions. ‘all’ (default) includes coulombic forces for all particles, ‘no_link’ excludes coulombic forces for link atoms, ‘only’ excludes all other forces for all atoms, ‘none’ excludes coulombic forces for all particles.
- link_atoms (list) – if included as a list with include_coulomb=’no_link’, specifies which atoms to remove coulombic forces from. Default is None.
- initialize (bool) – Whether the main system is being initialized.
Returns: Return type: OpenMM system object
>>> openmm_sys = create_openmm_system(topology) openmm_sys = create_openmm_system(top, include_coulomb='no_link', link_atoms=[0,1,2]) openmm_sys = create_openmm_system(top, include_coulomb='only') openmm_sys = create_openmm_system(top, initialize=True)
(atoms)¶ Delete specified atoms from an OpenMM Modeller object
Parameters: - model (OpenMM Modeller object) –
- atoms (list) – which atom IDs (int) or atom names (str) to delete an OpenMM Modeller object
>>> delete_atoms(model, [0, 3, 5]) delete_atoms(model, ['Cl'])
()¶ Gets the MM point charges for the system of interest
Returns: charges of system Return type: list Examples
>>> charges = get_main_charges()
()¶ Gets the information for the system of interest. Calls
to obtain information.Returns: Information including the current energy, gradient, and positions for the system of interest Return type: dict
(main_info=False, energy=True, positions=True, velocity=False, forces=True, parameters=False, param_deriv=False, periodic_box=False, groups_included=-1)¶ Gets information like the kinetic and potential energy, positions, forces, and topology from an OpenMM state. Some of these may need to be made accessible to user.
Parameters: - simulation (OpenMM simulation object) –
- main_info (bool) – specifies whether to return the topology of the system
- energy (bool) – spcifies whether to get the energy, returned in hartrees(a.u.), default is true.
- positions (bool) – specifies whether to get the positions, returns in nanometers, default is true
- velocity (bool) – specifies whether to get the velocities, default is false
- forces (bool) – specifies whether to get the forces acting on the system, returns as numpy array in jk/mol/nm, as well as the gradients, in au/bohr, default is true
- parameters (bool) – specifies whether to get the parameters of the state, default is false
- param_deriv (bool) – specifies whether to get the parameter derivatives of the state, default is false
- periodic_box (bool) – whether to translate the positions so the center of every molecule lies in the same periodic box, default is false
- groups (list) – a set of indices for which force groups to include when computing forces and energies. Default is all groups
Returns: Information specified by parameters. Keys include ‘energy’, ‘potential’, ‘kinetic’, ‘forces’, ‘gradients’, ‘topology’
Return type: dict
>>> get_state_info(sim) get_state_info(sim, groups_included=set{0,1,2}) get_state_info(sim, positions=True, forces=True)
(embedding_method)¶ Gets information for the system of interest in its initial state. The simulation object and information dictionary returned by
is saved.Parameters: embedding_method (str) – what QM/MM embedding method to use for initialization. If ‘Mechanical’, all forces are included If ‘Electrostatic’, all coulombic forces are excluded
(atoms)¶ Acts on an OpenMM Modeller object to keep the specified atoms in the MM system and deletes everything else
Parameters: - model (OpenMM Modeller object) –
- atoms (list) – which atoms to keep in an OpenMM Modeller object
>>> keep_atom(mod, [0,1]) keep_atom(mod, ['O', 'H'])
(embedding_method, chkpt_file, restart_forces)¶
(OM_system)¶ Removes the Lennard-Jones (van der Waals) force from the system
Parameters: OM_system (OpenMM system object) –
(OM_system, link_atoms=None)¶ Removes the coulombic forces by setting charges of specified atoms to zero
Parameters: - OM_system (OpenMM system object) –
- link_atoms (list) – link_atoms to set the charge to zero, if link_atoms is None (default), the charge of all particles in the system will be set to zero
>>> set_charge_zero(system) set_charge_zero(system, link_atoms=[0,1,2])
()¶ Function not implemented for classes
(simulation)¶ Sets up reporters according to options specified by arguments in md_param. See keywords in the Molecular Dynamics section of the manual for more information.
Parameters: simulation (OpenMM simulation object) – Adds reporters to simulation object
(num)¶ Takes a specified num of steps in the MD simulation
Parameters: num (int) – the number of pure MD steps to take
(force)¶ Updates the system with forces from qmmm and takes a simulation step
Parameters: force (dict) – forces(particle index : forces) in au/bohr to be updated in custom qmmm force and fed into simulation
(forces, force_obj, simulation)¶ Updates a simulation with external forces
Parameters: - force (dict) – forces(particle index : forces) in au/bohr to be updated in a force object and fed into simulation
- force_obj (OpenMM Force object) – the force object to add the forces to. Can be built in or custom
- simulation (OpenMM simulation object) – where the forces are to be updated in
(info)¶ Write a pdb file
Parameters: info (dict) – dictionary containing the topology and positions of the system to write to file