QMMM Submodule

janus.qmmm.QMMM(hl_wrapper, ll_wrapper, sys_info) QMMM class for QMMM computations
janus.qmmm.AQMMM(hl_wrapper, ll_wrapper, …) AQMMM super class for adaptive QMMM computations.
janus.qmmm.OniomXS(hl_wrapper, ll_wrapper, …) Class for the Oniom-XS adaptive QM/MM method.
janus.qmmm.HotSpot(hl_wrapper, ll_wrapper, …) Class for the Hot Spot adaptive QM/MM method.
janus.qmmm.PAP(hl_wrapper, ll_wrapper, sys_info) Class for the PAP adaptive QM/MM method.
janus.qmmm.SAP(hl_wrapper, ll_wrapper, sys_info) Class for the SAP adaptive QM/MM method.
janus.qmmm.DAS(hl_wrapper, ll_wrapper, sys_info) Class for the Oniom-XS adaptive QM/MM method.


class janus.qmmm.QMMM(hl_wrapper, ll_wrapper, sys_info, sys_info_format='pdb', qm_atoms=[], qmmm_scheme='subtractive', embedding_method='Mechanical', boundary_treatment='link_atom', link_atom_element='H')

Bases: object

QMMM class for QMMM computations

  • hl_wrapper (MMWrapper subclass or QMWrapper subclass) – Wrapper for performing the high-level computation. Traditionally QM but user can define MM.
  • ll_wrapper (MMWrapper subclass) – Wrapper for performing the low-level computation
  • sys_info (str) – A string with the filename or a list with multiple filenames that contain position and topology information.
  • sys_info_format (str) – Describes what kind of input is contained in sys_info. Default is pdb.
  • qm_atoms (list) – Indicies that define the QM region. Only static in traditional QM/MM
  • qmmm_scheme (str) – Scheme for computing QM/MM energies and gradients, only substractive available(default)
  • embedding_method (str) – Embedding method to use for QM/MM. Mechanical(default) and Electrostatic available
  • boundary_treatment (str) – Method for treating dangling bonds in the QM region, link_atom(default), RC, and RCD available
  • link_atom_element – Element to use for link atom, default is H. Beware of using others (not all functionality tested)

Computes the QM/MM gradients


RCD gradients currently not implemented

Parameters:system (System) – The system in which to save qmmm energy and forces
convert_input(fil, form)

Converts a set of input files into a MD trajectory

  • fil (str) – A string with the filename or a list with multiple filenames that contain position and topology information.
  • form (str) – Describes what kind of input is contained in sys_info. Default is pdb.

Return type:

MDtraj object

electrostatic(system, main_info)

Gets energies of needed components and computes a QM/MM energy with a subtractive electrostatic embedding scheme

E(QM/MM) = E(MM no coulomb)_entire_sys - E(MM no coulomb)_primary_subsys
  • E(QM)_primary_subsys + E(MM just coulomb)_secondary_subsys
  • system (System) – The system in which to save qmmm energy and forces
  • main_info (dict) – contains the energy and forces for the whole system

Identified any covalent bonds that the QM/MM boundary cuts across

Parameters:qm_atoms (list) – Indicies corresponding to the atoms in the primary subsystem. Default is None and uses self.qm_atoms


>>> find_boundary_bonds()

Gets the point charges of atoms from secondary subsystem for electrostatic embedding

Parameters:system (System) – The system in which to save qmmm energy and forces
Returns:charges and corresponding positions in angstroms as xyz coordinates
Return type:list

Function to return qmmm forces

Parameters:run_ID (int) – identifies which step to get forces from
Returns:qmmm forces in au/bohr
Return type:dict


>>> forces = get_forces()
get_redistributed_positions(positions, bonds, mm)

Gets the positions for the redistributed point charges in the RC and RCD schemes

  • positions (list) –
  • bonds (list) – indices of all atoms (in secondary subsystem) bonded to M1
  • mm (int) – the index of M1

positions for the redistributed charges

Return type:



Creates a MDtraj trajectory object with just the primary subsystem, and adds in any link atoms


Currently adds just H as link atom, need to expand. Also, H is added as a very specific H1 atom, or else the connectivity in the create_new_residue_templates function in openmm gets messed up and gives a “set of atoms match but bonds are different error”

Parameters:qm_atoms (list) – atom indicies corresponding to the atoms in the primary subsystem. Default is None and uses self.qm_atoms
  • MDtraj trajectory object
  • list – The link atom indices in traj


>>> make_primary_subsys_trajectory([0,1,2])

Creates a MDtraj trajectory object with just the secondary subsystem

Parameters:qm_atoms (list) – atom indicies corresponding to the atoms in the primary subsystem. Default is None and uses self.qm_atoms
Return type:MDtraj trajectory object


>>> make_second_subsys_trajectory([0,1,2])
mechanical(system, main_info)

Gets energies of needed components and computes a QM/MM energy with a subtractive mechanical embedding scheme using the formula

E(QM/MM) = E(MM)_entire_sys - E(MM)_primary_subsys + E(QM)_primary_subsys

  • system (System) – The system in which to save qmmm energy and forces
  • main_info (dict) – contains the energy and forces for the whole system

Identifies where to put link atom. Saves the qm and mm atom associated with the bond being cut across the QM/MM boundary and computes the g scaling factor for the link atom.

run_qmmm(main_info, wrapper_type)

Drives QM/MM computation. Updates the positions and topology given in main_info, and determines the QM/MM energy and gradients

  • main_info (dict) – Contains the energy, forces, topology, and position information for the whole system
  • wrapper_type (str) – Defines the program used to obtain main_info
update_traj(position, topology, wrapper_type)

Updates the positions and topology of self.traj, a MDtraj trajectory object

  • positions (list) – positions in nm
  • topology (OpenMM topology object) – If the mm program is OpenMM
  • wrapper_type (str) – Defines the program used to obtain topology and positions


class janus.qmmm.AQMMM(hl_wrapper, ll_wrapper, sys_info, sys_info_format, qmmm_param, class_type)

Bases: abc.ABC, janus.qmmm.qmmm.QMMM

AQMMM super class for adaptive QMMM computations. Inherits from QMMM class.


Since AQMMM is a super class and has abstract methods cannot actually instantiate AQMMM object, but only its child objects
compute_COM(atoms) Computes the center of mass of a specified group
compute_gradients(system) Computes the QM/MM gradients
compute_lamda_i(r_i) Computes the switching function and the derivative of the switching function defined as a 5th order spline:
compute_zero_energy() Compute the energy of the isolated groups at their minimum geometry
convert_input(fil, form) Converts a set of input files into a MD trajectory
define_buffer_zone(qm_center) Determines buffer group atoms.
edit_atoms(atoms, res_idx[, remove, add]) Edits a given list of atoms based on give parameters.
electrostatic(system, main_info) Gets energies of needed components and computes a QM/MM energy with a subtractive electrostatic embedding scheme
find_boundary_bonds([qm_atoms]) Identified any covalent bonds that the QM/MM boundary cuts across
find_buffer_atoms(qm_center) Find the buffer groups whose COM falls in between Rmin and Rmax
get_Rmax() Function to return self.Rmin
get_Rmin() Function to return self.Rmin
get_external_charges(system) Gets the point charges of atoms from secondary subsystem for electrostatic embedding
get_forces([run_ID]) Function to return qmmm forces
get_redistributed_positions(positions, bonds, mm) Gets the positions for the redistributed point charges in the RC and RCD schemes
get_residue_info(idx[, qm_center_xyz]) Gets the COM information and distance from the qm_center for a give residue.
get_zero_energy() Incorporates the zero energy of groups to the total qmmm energy
make_primary_subsys_trajectory([qm_atoms]) Creates a MDtraj trajectory object with just the primary subsystem, and adds in any link atoms
make_second_subsys_trajectory([qm_atoms]) Creates a MDtraj trajectory object with just the secondary subsystem
mechanical(system, main_info) Gets energies of needed components and computes a QM/MM energy with a subtractive mechanical embedding scheme using the formula
partition(info) Function implemented in individual child classes
prepare_link_atom() Identifies where to put link atom.
run_aqmmm() Function implemented in individual child classes
run_qmmm(main_info, wrapper_type) Drives QM/MM computation.
set_Rmax(Rmax) Function to set self.Rmax
set_Rmin(Rmin) Function to set self.Rmin
update_traj(position, topology, wrapper_type) Updates the positions and topology of self.traj, a MDtraj trajectory object



Computes the center of mass of a specified group

Parameters:atoms (list) – indices defining the group to compute the COM for
  • numpy array – COM xyz coordinates
  • dict – the indices of each atom in the group and the atomic weight for each atom
  • dict – the indices of each atom in the group and the weight ratio of each atom to the total weight of the group (sum of all atomic weights)

Computes the switching function and the derivative of the switching function defined as a 5th order spline:

\lambda_i = -6x^5 + 15x^4 - 10x^3 + 1 d_{\lambda_i} = -30x^4 + 60x^3 - 30x^2

where x is the reduced distance (r_i - rmin)/(rmax - rmin) of buffer group i

Parameters:r_i (float) – the distance between the qm center and the COM (in angstroms)
  • float – lamda_i, unitless
  • float – derivative of lamda_i, unitless

Compute the energy of the isolated groups at their minimum geometry


Determines buffer group atoms. Gets the buffer groups in the buffer zone based on a distance partitioning scheme, saves each buffer group as a Buffer object, and saves all buffer groups in the dictionary self.buffer_groups. For water as a solvent, considers the whole water molecule as a buffer group.


Currently only worked with explicit solvent based systems. Cannot treat buffer atoms that are part of large molecular structures (e.g., proteins).

Parameters:qm_center (list) – the indicies that make up the qm center
edit_atoms(atoms, res_idx, remove=False, add=False)

Edits a given list of atoms based on give parameters.

  • atoms (list) – List of atom indicies to performed the desired action on
  • res_idx (int) – Index of the residue
  • remove (bool) – Whether to remove the atoms of residue res_idx from atoms. Default is False.
  • add (bool) – Whether to add the atoms of residue res_idx to atoms Default is False.

List of edited atoms

Return type:



>>> atoms = edit_qm_atoms(atoms=[0,1,2], res_idx=0, remove=True)

Find the buffer groups whose COM falls in between Rmin and Rmax

Parameters:qm_center (list) – the indicies that make up the qm center

Function to return self.Rmin

Returns:the distance from qm center to outer limit of buffer zone in angstroms
Return type:float

Function to return self.Rmin

Returns:the distance from qm center to inner limit of buffer zone in angstroms
Return type:float
get_residue_info(idx, qm_center_xyz=None)

Gets the COM information and distance from the qm_center for a give residue. Saves the information in a Buffer object.

  • idx (int) – index of the residue
  • qm_center_xyz (list) – XYZ coordinates of the qm_center as a list

Return type:



Incorporates the zero energy of groups to the total qmmm energy

nm_to_angstrom = 10.0

Function implemented in individual child classes


Function implemented in individual child classes

run_qmmm(main_info, wrapper_type)

Drives QM/MM computation. Updates the positions and topology given in main_info, determines the partitions to be computed, for each partition, determines the QM/MM energy and gradients, then interpolates all partitions using specified adaptive QM/MM scheme

  • main_info (dict) – Contains the energy, forces, topology, and position information for the whole system
  • wrapper_type (str) – Defines the program used to obtain main_info

Function to set self.Rmax

Parameters:Rmax (float) – the distance from qm center to outer limit of buffer zone in angstroms

Function to set self.Rmin

Parameters:Rmin (float) – the distance from qm center to inner limit of buffer zone in angstroms


class janus.qmmm.OniomXS(hl_wrapper, ll_wrapper, sys_info, sys_info_format='pdb', qm_center=[0], partition_scheme='distance', Rmin=3.8, Rmax=4.5, qmmm_param={}, **kwargs)

Bases: janus.qmmm.aqmmm.AQMMM

Class for the Oniom-XS adaptive QM/MM method. Inherits from AQMMM class

  • hl_wrapper (MMWrapper subclass or QMWrapper subclass) – Wrapper for performing the high-level computation. Traditionally QM but user can define MM.
  • ll_wrapper (MMWrapper subclass) – Wrapper for performing the low-level computation
  • sys_info (str) – A string with the filename or a list with multiple filenames that contain position and topology information.
  • sys_info_format (str) – Describes what kind of input is contained in sys_info. Default is pdb.
  • qm_center (list) – Atoms that define the qm center, default is [0]. If more than one index is given, COM is used as qm_center
  • partition_scheme (str) – Scheme to use to define buffer groups, default is distance (only scheme available as of now)
  • Rmin (float) – Inner radius for distance partition in angstroms, default is 3.8
  • Rmax (float) – Outer radius for distance partition in angstroms, default is 4.5
  • qmmm_param – A dictionary with any parameters to pass into the QMMM class. See QMMM class for specifics

Averages the individual switching functions of each buffer group

Returns:The average of the switching functions
Return type:float

Finds the partitions as required by the ONIOM-XS method and saves each partition as a system object. Saves all systems in the dictionary self.systems

Parameters:qm_center (list) – atoms that define the qm center, default is None

Interpolates the energy and gradients from each partition according to the ONIOM-XS method

Hot Spot

class janus.qmmm.HotSpot(hl_wrapper, ll_wrapper, sys_info, sys_info_format='pdb', qm_center=[0], partition_scheme='distance', Rmin=3.8, Rmax=4.5, qmmm_param={}, **kwargs)

Bases: janus.qmmm.aqmmm.AQMMM

Class for the Hot Spot adaptive QM/MM method. Inherits from AQMMM class

  • hl_wrapper (MMWrapper subclass or QMWrapper subclass) – Wrapper for performing the high-level computation. Traditionally QM but user can define MM.
  • ll_wrapper (MMWrapper subclass) – Wrapper for performing the low-level computation
  • sys_info (str) – A string with the filename or a list with multiple filenames that contain position and topology information.
  • sys_info_format (str) – Describes what kind of input is contained in sys_info. Default is pdb.
  • qm_center (list) – Atoms that define the qm center, default is [0]. If more than one index is given, COM is used as qm_center
  • partition_scheme (str) – Scheme to use to define buffer groups, default is distance (only scheme available as of now)
  • Rmin (float) – Inner radius for distance partition in angstroms, default is 3.8
  • Rmax (float) – Outer radius for distance partition in angstroms, default is 4.5
  • qmmm_param – A dictionary with any parameters to pass into the QMMM class. See QMMM class for specifics

Computes the switching function of the Hot-Spot method and overrides the compute_lamda_i function from the AQMMM class

Parameters:r_i (float) – the distance between the qm center and the COM in angstroms
  • float – lamda_i, unitless
  • None – placeholder for the derivative of r_i

Finds the partitions as required by the Hot-Spot method and saves each partition as a system object. Saves all systems in the dictionary self.systems

Parameters:qm_center (list) – atoms that define the qm center, default is None

Interpolates the energy and gradients from each partition according to the Hot-Spot method


class janus.qmmm.PAP(hl_wrapper, ll_wrapper, sys_info, sys_info_format='pdb', modified_variant=False, qm_center=[0], partition_scheme='distance', Rmin=3.8, Rmax=4.5, qmmm_param={}, **kwargs)

Bases: janus.qmmm.aqmmm.AQMMM

Class for the PAP adaptive QM/MM method. Inherits from AQMMM class

  • hl_wrapper (MMWrapper subclass or QMWrapper subclass) – Wrapper for performing the high-level computation. Traditionally QM but user can define MM.
  • ll_wrapper (MMWrapper subclass) – Wrapper for performing the low-level computation
  • sys_info (str) – A string with the filename or a list with multiple filenames that contain position and topology information.
  • sys_info_format (str) – Describes what kind of input is contained in sys_info. Default is pdb.
  • modified_variant (bool) – Whether to use the modified version mPAP, which disregards gradient terms that come from the switching function. Default is False.
  • qm_center (list) – Atoms that define the qm center, default is [0]. If more than one index is given, COM is used as qm_center
  • partition_scheme (str) – Scheme to use to define buffer groups, default is distance (only scheme available as of now)
  • Rmin (float) – Inner radius for distance partition in angstroms, default is 3.8
  • Rmax (float) – Outer radius for distance partition in angstroms, default is 4.5
  • qmmm_param – A dictionary with any parameters to pass into the QMMM class. See QMMM class for specifics

Computes forces due to the gradient of the switching function

Returns:Forces due to gradient of switching function
Return type:dict

Gets all combinations of a given list of indices

Parameters:items (list) – indices to get combinations for
Returns:all possible combinations
Return type:list


>>> combos = get_combos([1,2])

In this case, combos will return >>> [(1), (2), (1,2)]


Finds the partitions as required by the PAP method and saves each partition as a system object. Saves all systems in the dictionary self.systems

Parameters:qm_center (list) – atoms that define the qm center, default is None

Interpolates the energy and gradients from each partition according to the PAP method


class janus.qmmm.SAP(hl_wrapper, ll_wrapper, sys_info, sys_info_format='pdb', modified_variant=False, qm_center=[0], partition_scheme='distance', Rmin=3.8, Rmax=4.5, qmmm_param={}, **kwargs)

Bases: janus.qmmm.aqmmm.AQMMM

Class for the SAP adaptive QM/MM method. Inherits from AQMMM class

  • hl_wrapper (MMWrapper subclass or QMWrapper subclass) – Wrapper for performing the high-level computation. Traditionally QM but user can define MM.
  • ll_wrapper (MMWrapper subclass) – Wrapper for performing the low-level computation
  • sys_info (str) – A string with the filename or a list with multiple filenames that contain position and topology information.
  • sys_info_format (str) – Describes what kind of input is contained in sys_info. Default is pdb.
  • modified_variant (bool) – Whether to use the modified version mPAP, which disregards gradient terms that come from the switching function. Default is False.
  • qm_center (list) – Atoms that define the qm center, default is [0]. If more than one index is given, COM is used as qm_center
  • partition_scheme (str) – Scheme to use to define buffer groups, default is distance (only scheme available as of now)
  • Rmin (float) – Inner radius for distance partition in angstroms, default is 3.8
  • Rmax (float) – Outer radius for distance partition in angstroms, default is 4.5
  • qmmm_param – A dictionary with any parameters to pass into the QMMM class. See QMMM class for specifics

Computes forces due to the gradient of the switching function

Returns:Forces due to gradient of switching function
Return type:dict
get_combos(items=None, buffer_distance=None)

A given list of indices is sorted by distance and the combinations is found based on distance order. See example

  • items (list) – indices to get combinations for
  • buffer_distance (dict) – indices from items and their distances from the qm center


Return type:



>>> combos = get_combos([1,2,3])

If 1 was closer to the center than 2, and 2 closer to the center than 3, functions returns following: >>> [(1), (1,2), (1,2,3)]


Computes switching function for SAP computations and saves to each buffer group object


Finds the partitions as required by the SAP method and saves each partition as a system object. Saves all systems in the dictionary self.systems

Parameters:qm_center (list) – atoms that define the qm center, default is None

Interpolates the energy and gradients from each partition according to the SAP method


class janus.qmmm.DAS(hl_wrapper, ll_wrapper, sys_info, sys_info_format='pdb', qm_center=[0], partition_scheme='distance', Rmin=3.8, Rmax=4.5, qmmm_param={}, **kwargs)

Bases: janus.qmmm.aqmmm.AQMMM

Class for the Oniom-XS adaptive QM/MM method. Inherits from AQMMM class

  • hl_wrapper (MMWrapper subclass or QMWrapper subclass) – Wrapper for performing the high-level computation. Traditionally QM but user can define MM.
  • ll_wrapper (MMWrapper subclass) – Wrapper for performing the low-level computation
  • sys_info (str) – A string with the filename or a list with multiple filenames that contain position and topology information.
  • sys_info_format (str) – Describes what kind of input is contained in sys_info. Default is pdb.
  • qm_center (list) – Atoms that define the qm center, default is [0]. If more than one index is given, COM is used as qm_center
  • partition_scheme (str) – Scheme to use to define buffer groups, default is distance (only scheme available as of now)
  • Rmin (float) – Inner radius for distance partition in angstroms, default is 3.8
  • Rmax (float) – Outer radius for distance partition in angstroms, default is 4.5
  • qmmm_param – A dictionary with any parameters to pass into the QMMM class. See QMMM class for specifics

Computes the switching function of the DAS method and overrides the compute_lamda_i function from the AQMMM class

Parameters:r_i (float) – the distance between the qm center and the COM in angstroms
  • float – lamda_i, unitless
  • None – placeholder for the derivative of r_i

Gets all combinations of a given list of indices according to the DAS formulation

Parameters:items (list) – indices to get combinations for
Return type:list

Finds the partitions as required by the PAP method and saves each partition as a system object. Saves all systems in the dictionary self.systems

Parameters:qm_center (list) – atoms that define the qm center, default is None

Interpolates the energy and gradients from each partition according to the PAP method